I bought a (nice, used!)Chariot Carrier a few months ago. For those that aren't familiar with them, they are an awesome, versatile CTS (Child Transport System). You buy the chassis of your choice and then they make MANY different kits for them (Bike trailer, jogging wheel, strolling wheels, SKI'S etc).
So the point of my useless rambling is that I wanted the ski conversion kit but was NOT willing to pay $258 (before shipping) for the one that Chariot made. Instead my genius (and ever so handy) husband made this one for me for approx $30 :)
The front wheel pops off and Erik has poles that attach to the stroller and up to a hip belt so I can be on ski's as well. But we prefer to leave the front wheel on with the ski's and just walk, as it makes for a smoother ride (and I don't have XC ski's for me).
Every time we take it out we get at least a 1/2 dozen compliments :)
Good Job Erik!!

The happy (really, he was!) rider.