Just in case you're wondering how to make them...first off, find a pattern you like. I googled "free cloth diaper patterns" I tweaked it to look more like my Fuzzi Bunz. Once I was happy with it, I started sewing.
Step 1: Cut out three patterns- One to keep it waterproof. I use PUL ( poly-urethane laminate)1 or 2 mil, one of flannel for the outer, and one of non-pile fleece for the insides.
Step 2: Take the outer flannel piece and sew on your Velcro fastener.

Step 3: Pin all three layers together-flannel and fleece right sides together, then PUL on top. Sew them together. *Don't forget to leave an opening for the liner!*

Step 4: Sew on elastic around the legs. I use the straight stitch to pin it down then switch to zig-zag.

Step 5: Turn the diaper right-side out.

Step 6: Sew elastic on the opening of the diaper (Pul and flannel together)

Step 7: Fold over and sew to hide elastic.

Step 8: Sew a finishing edge (straight stitch) around the diaper. (Don't sew the pocket opening!) This gives it a cleaner look, and will keep the diaper from bunching.

Step 9: Sew on velcro to diaper tabs.

Viola! You're done! Now wasn't that easy?!