Payton and I flew to Seattle to see Erik since we haven't seen him in three weeks and he had a few days off while the boat is in drydock! We flew in Thursday late-afternoon and made the 5 hour drive to Spokane the next day to see his parents, brother and sister-in-law (as well as Grandma, Aunt and Uncle, my cousin and her daughter!)
Payton did pretty well for the first 3.5 hours...then we decided to pull over in Moses Lake, find a playground and let him stretch his legs!

He really like the see-saw.

Erik's parents are building a nice log home (from a kit) and chose this weekend to put the roof on. (Another reason Erik wanted to drive over)

We can't wait until it's done!

Uncle Earl surprised us with this beautiful floatplane rocker he made himself for Payton! Thanks to Aunty Dawn for the idea and drawing up the plans :)

Payton liked to sit on it and try and spin the prop. He hasn't quite figured out how to rock.

We also were fortunate enough to be able to visit with my cousin McKenzie and her 3 yr old daughter Tayten. Tayten wouldn't say Payton b/c it was too close to her name :) She just kept calling him "Cousin" then would get frustrated when he wouldn't respond! But overall, they had a great time playing with each other!