We were lucky enough to spend the 4th of July out in Tenakee. Alaska Seaplanes was closed for the holiday and took all employees (and guests!) out to enjoy the festivities. Erik had to stay in Juneau to work, but we had fun regardless!
After a 20 minute taxi on the pond...and quick airplane switch....we were off to Tenakee! We ended up missing the parade, but made it safe and sound!

My niece Mackenzie was especially excited for all the activities.

Festivities directer Frances dressed for the occasion.

Payton wasn't quite sure what to think of the fish pond, but he did enjoy the toy he "caught!"

Since our airplane arrived late, this was the only chance to see the Seaplane float. I think Payton (and pal Jody) enjoyed it more this way.

There's really not a whole lot of activities for a 2 yr old...so we spent most of our time down at the harbor playing on the toys.