Friday, January 21, 2011

A little blog catch-up!

I realize I've blogged so little these last couple months. For those out of town I'm sure it's not enough :) I have no excuses! The weeks have been flying by! February is sneaking up on us which means TWO birthdays!!!! Here's a summary of our last few weeks...

Bundling up (which takes an hour in itself!!)to run errands.

Playing indoor hockey!

Visiting Uncle Joe at his hanger and playing in the airplanes!

Tasting new foods!

Exploring the world around us...i.e. The Pantry.

Playing with "the monkey" (ipod touch)

And taking (and posting for the world to see!) embarrassing pictures that will come back to haunt him in about 13 years!!


Payton had his first dental check-up today. At first he was pretty resistant to let anyone (especially a stranger!) near his mouth. But Frank the hygienist was fabulous with him...must be all that practice from his own 4 kids! Frank was real impressed with Payton's teeth. In his short 3 years (2 of them with teeth) he had hardly any plaque build-up!! I guess our hard work of brushing his teeth twice a day paid off ;)

*I would have gotten more pictures, but I had to bribe him with my phone in order to get him to open up!*

After the teeth cleaning Payton got a new Cars toothbrush, dino flossers and got to pick out a special toy. He chose some cheesy star shaped glasses. THEN he got to go to Hearthside Books and pick out another toy from mom and dad for being so good at the dentist! He chose a book about Tractors that even came with 6 little figures.

Friday, January 14, 2011


They were helping me "cook". I can't imagine what kind of a mess they'd make with real ingredients :)

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Saturday, January 1, 2011

2010 in review...(in pictures!)

Still a month to go, but ready to be done with pregnancy! Enjoying the last bits of quiet (sometimes) of only one child.

Madelyn Grace makes her debut and Payton's reign as an only child comes to a screeching halt!

Adjusting to life as a family of four and introducing Madelyn to friends and family!

The sun is out! Time to come out of hibernation and go play!

We rode the ferry down to Petersburg for Little Norway Festival.


It's absolutely exhausting being a big brother!!

Spent TONS of time getting smothered...I mean...loved on by out of town cousins :)

New ways to contain Madelyn!!

Spent exploring the area with good friends and playing out in the nice weather!!

Filled with fun times visiting family in Montana (and Erik got to go elk hunting)! Payton especially liked all the pumpkins!

The start of our COLD fall.

Payton helped everyone open their presents. Madelyn tried to eat the paper.