Friday, June 12, 2009

New Camera!

I've been saving my pennies to buy a digital SLR camera. Costco had a great deal on a Canon Rebel XSi I bought it! I'm still learning all the neat things about this camera but I can't wait to get it all figured out! Here's Payton drinking out of the hose today. He's been obsessed with it ever since Erik taught him how last week.


Anonymous said...

Hi, good to see Payton and you guys, it seems like so long ago since I saw you, I know pictures arent the same, but it helps. Hope all is well with you, let us know if you are down here and we can get the boys together. Hopefully I can figure out the whole blog thing and have more pics like you do. Take care,

Nana/Sheri said...

love the pictures! especially the one with his tongue lapping water..ha ha...too cute...congrats on the new camera..

Paula said...

This is one of Dane's all time favorite activities too!