Friday, July 24, 2009

Who needs a playground??

Not us! We just need the Matilda Bay, a crane and a trayco!! This is definitely a favorite of all the grandkids! They all swung for a good 45 minutes. Payton cried when he had to get out. Even Baba took a turn swinging with the kids. At one point he hoisted them a good 25 feet in the air. Needless to say I was a tad bit nervous...I had visions of Payton jumping out and me throwing myself across the deck to catch him! Luckily that didn't happen. Phew!

They loved swinging high and seeing who could touch the buoys roped to the upper deck.


beth said...

Can the Matilda Bay come down to WA? I need one of those for James, it looks like fun but Im with you I would be a tad bit nervous.

Nana/Sheri said...

Nana & Baba had a blast!! anyday or time with grandbabies is a blessing! Love you guys :-)