Friday, January 30, 2009

Zoom zoom!!

Payton got to open one of his birthday presents early. Nana and Baba got him a radio flyer sport coupe. He LOVES it. So far Erik and I have spent two days wheeling him around the house from room to room. I just wish the snow would hurry up and melt so we can take him outside :)

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Hold on to your hats....

So, I have to admit, these pictures are a few months old...but they're the only ones I have at the moment of Payton on his four-wheeler. !
Last night he figured out how to push the throttle button!! He's known what button it is, but it's a little hard to hold down. There's no stopping him now!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Sledding fun!

It's all fun and games....

Erik had the great idea of letting Payton and Mason sled down the HUGE snow berm in our front yard. They did real well taking turns and were LOVIN it!

On the last run down the hill, we threw them on the sled didn't end well :( They tipped over at the bottom and both of them got a bit scraped up! Luckily Mason didn't even notice he had scratched his nose...but poor Payton was screaming! He didn't cry long, but I still feel horrible!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Paper Shredder

We get the weekly Petersburg newspaper and it used to be only Erik and I that enjoyed receiving it in the mail! Now apparently Payton and Cedar enjoy it too!

"Oh! Hi Mom! You were done with the paper, right?"

They also both love Kleenex! I have to hide the box from the baby AND the dog!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Daddy's helper.

Erik had an extra set of helping hands loading the dishwasher the other night.

Snow day!

Today we took Payton sledding with his best friend Dane. I think they had fun. We spent most of the time pushing Payton in the dog sled (seeing how our dogs are too lazy to pull!)

Payton did enjoy (or at least didn't cry) going down the hill with Mom and Dad.

Afterward we drove downtown so Erik could check the tugs. Payton fell asleep 5 minutes after we left the sledding hill and didn't wake up until we got home 1.5 hours later. He even slept throughout the grocery store!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

A few more of Payton's favorite things!

So Erik and Payton have invented a game. Erik lays on the couch and Payton pushes him off, then bails off after him. They always have a ball :)

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!!!

We have gotten SO much snow over the past few weeks!! It's also been VERY cold. One day it stayed in the negative digits all day (at our house). I'm just thankful that it's not raining! And for the snow-blower we received for Christmas three years ago :)

Here's our back yard/porch, blanketed in the white stuff!

The bird feeder must have about 14" on it!

I thought the tree looked kinda cool covered in snow. Just don't bump it when you walk by.... :)

Splish Splash!

Payton LOVES his nightly tubby. His favorite bath toy is a washcloth. Sometimes I wonder why I bother buying toys...he prefers the boxes :)

This picture cracks me up! I had taken his wash cloth so he'd look at the camera!