Sunday, August 30, 2009

More random shots

Payton and pal Cayman showing off their Paternal instincts. Although I don't think I'll let them near a real baby as Payton was pointing out the baby's eyes "IIIIEEEE" (gouging his thumb into them...)

Payton found Cayman's sunglasses and decided to take them for a test drive. Spike got to go along too!

Who needs toys...when you have toy buckets!

"I think I'm stuck"

"Just kidding!"

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Random snapshots.

Payton wanted to go outside, so he grabbed his coat and shoes. Apparently that's all you need! Clothes not required ;) (pardon the yawn...)

He got caught in the bouncy chair. And gave a cheesy grin for the camera!

The same cheesy grin comes out with the camera! Cracks me up!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


We took Payton to DIPAC today (the local fish hatchery) to watch the fish swimming up the fish ladder. He loved looking at the fish jumping out of the water and splashing around.

He soon got bored and decided to wander around. At one point he grabbed a strangers hand and led him and I both around. Luckily he was a good sport ;)

Throwing rocks at the ferns is pretty fun too!

The fish.

The ladder! Good luck fishies! It looks pretty hard to me :)

Monday, August 10, 2009

With all the NICE weather we've been having, Payton and I have been spending a lot of time in the back yard. Payton likes to splash in his pool. Normally. Until he discovered the garden hose.

The hose is good for many things:
Getting a drink!

Filling up buckets.

Dumping them out.

Watering the grass!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

18 Months old!

Payton had his 18 month checkup today! All is well! He weighs in at 25 lbs 3 oz and stands 32 inches tall!

He was fascinated with the mirror in the exam room. He kept cracking Dr Amy up as he would look in the mirror and dance!

He also liked the look of himself in Dad's hat!!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Extreme Picnic

One of the advantages of working for a float plane company is the neat stuff you get to do! Yesterday the whole company flew out to a remote beach after work for a picnic dinner. Payton LOVES airplanes and was screeching with glee on takeoff.

Our faithful steads.

Payton and his pal Jody playing on the beach.

Walking rocks with Dad.

We were spotted...and treated to a flyby!