Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Rotary Park.

We took advantage of the BEAUTIFUL weather we're having and rode our bikes down to Rotary Park to feed the ducks. I also bought a 50# bag of cracked corn...so we gotta use it up =-)

Madelyn wasn't quite sure what to think then they all came swarming. Payton had dumped out his bucket of food right off the bat (note the pile of food behind Madelyn.)

He was thrilled when they started to eat it!

Maddie preferred to just walk around with the empty buckets.

Of course we had to swing, since we're here!!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Kauai, Part II

*Disclaimer: Please excuse the poor quality, all photos were taken with my phone.*

After the last week full of rain and snow, we're wishing we were back in Kauai...
eating lot of yummy fresh fruit..

Napping in our bloomers

Daily walks to Shipwreck beach (note the BIG roller coming in...)

Playing on the deck (okay, so we can do that here...but we need LOTS more clothes on!)

Attempting self-family portraits with kids is always fun!

We had a praying mantas on our screen one night! He was pretty cool!

My little post-pregnancy whispy hairs were ridiculously curly in Kauai. Not fair.

Poipu and Brenneke beaches were within a 5 minute (at most) walk from our condo. We walked there sometimes several times a day.

Madelyn LOVED when Erik helped her walk in the water and get chased by the waves.

Of course it's all fun and games until Mama gets hurt....luckily it's not broken, just badly sprained!!

Saturday, April 2, 2011


We had a BLAST!!

We played on the beach. A lot!

We rode the train around the Kilohana Plantation.

Madelyn discovered she LOVES sand. She would sit for an hour or more (preferably in the shallow water) and play.

We drove up to see Waimea Canyon also known as the Grand Canyon of the Pacific. It was beautiful!

Obligatory family shot =-)