Saturday, June 20, 2009

Tenakee times!

Payton and I took advantage of my benefits of working for a seaplane company and went to Tenakee with Frances and Janalynn (and Aaron)! Payton had a BALL! He got to play outside all day, everyday. There were tons of rocks to throw, free spatulas/spoons from the "bus stop", and all kinds of fun 4-wheelers and golf carts to drive.

Payton walked most places, and rode in the buggy the rest. His favorite part was to "help" push the stroller.

He loved sitting in the city's Kabota.

Napping on Frannie's couch...he didn't look that comfortable...but apparently he was!

Watching Wonder Pets with Rudy.

Payton LOVED the dancing duck we borrowed from Lisa. He packed it everywhere! He even got mad if Aaron would play with it and immediately drop what he was doing and go snatch the duck.

This is how he smiles when you bring out the camera.

Payton loved meeting the planes.

He also loved Lisa's dog Oz

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