Saturday, November 8, 2008

Arg. Naptime.

Well today's morning nap didn't go as well as planned. It took me an hour and a HALF to get him to sleep!!!!!!!!! He usually takes a morning nap within 1-2 hours of waking up. So this morning he's up with the chickens (6 am) so he's pretty tired by 8am. Those that know Payton real well know that he's a champion sleep fighter! We go into his room and do the usual nap/bedtime routine: check diaper, turn on lullabies, shut off the lights, and nurse/rock in the rocking chair. After about 15 min. he's out...or so I think! As soon as I lay him down, he immediately rolls over and starts crying. Great. So I pick him back up and return to the rocker. Well now he thinks that his 5 min shut-eye is good enough. WRONG! After many attempts to get him to settle down and nurse, I give up and let him sit in his crib and cry for a few minutes. I, in the meantime, went outside to get some fresh air (and to keep myself from losing it and crying right along with him!). Ten minutes later, he's sobbing (believe me, it's all an act! He stopped the second I picked him up!) and ready to nurse again! So we get out the Brest Friend pillow b/c it's soft :) and try his for the THIRD time. Well you know what they say...third time's the charm! Now he's in his crib. Asleep! Yay me!

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