Saturday, September 29, 2012


Okay, I've been horrible at keeping up with the blog. I have no excuses other than I have no motivation. I think from now on I'll post monthly with a quick recap of what we've been doing! On the rare sunny days we've had this summer we spent the whole day outside. Maddie and Payton really like Jody's slip and slide.
Playing on the inner-tube, celebrating Jody's 6th birthday.
We've had lots of visitors this summer. It's fun to have some quality family time. Grandma Dee spent lots of time reading the kids stories.
Payton has been taking swim lessons pretty much nonstop since July. He is having a great time and can almost swim the length of the pool on his own!!
Biscuit has been enjoying our time outside and loves to come play with the kids (and get a drink!) when we're outside.
Since no one in Alaska as a pool (for obvious reasons) we have to settle for the cheap blow up ones. Luckily the kids don't mind and have a ball splashing away.
We also bought a skiff and have taken it out a few times this year, weather permitting.

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